Key Stake holders in the Education Sector: Final CBC Task Force Recommendations

Key Stakeholder Collaborations and Linkages in Education Quality Assurance and Standards

Here is a list of all the Key Stake holders in the Education Sector

1 TSC •   Manage teacher’s professional development and appraisal. •   Recruit and post teachers for curriculum implementation.

•   Appoint school management and administration.

•   Share assessment reports.

•   Enforcement of QAS reports

•   Performance appraisal of teachers and head teachers.

2 KNEC •   Development and administration    of national assessments and examinations. •   DQAS quality assures the development and administration of national assessments and examinations.

•   Attestation of academic certificates.

•   DQAS chairs the subject panels

•   DQAS is a member of the KNEC board.

3 KICD •   Develops and reviews curriculum.

•   Evaluates learning and teaching materials (LTMs).

•   DQAS quality assures the curriculum development process as chair of the various subject panels.

•   Quality ensures the evaluation of learning and teaching materials (LTMs).

4 KEMI •   Trains education managers and administrative staff capacity building of education officers. •   DQAS collaborates with KEMI in the training activities of

instructional leadership i.e. CEBs, BoMs, QASOs and Education Officers.

5 CEMASTEA •   Capacity building of teachers in mathematics and science pedagogical skills.

•   Undertakes research in science and mathematics.

•   DQAS participates in CEMASTEA of in servicing teachers.
6 TVETA •   Regulates and coordinates.

•   TVET training through.

•   Licensing, registration and

•   Accreditation of programs,

•   Institutions and trainers.

•   Share information on regulations regarding quality in education.
7 CUE •   Regulates and assures quality in University Education. •   Share information on QAS regulations regarding quality in education.


8 Public Works office •   Develop and implement standards for the buildings. •   Development of Education standards for critical infrastructure and safety of learners.

•   Assessment of schools for purposes of registration and compliance to set standards.

9 Public Health Officers •   Inspect and enforce health quality standards. •   Development of school health policy and guidelines.

•   Monitoring of health standards maintained by education institutions.

•   Assessment of schools for registration and investigative purposes.

10 Children’s services •   Implementation and enforcement of children protection laws and guidelines. •   Monitoring and assessment of schools to investigate children’s welfare issues.


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