L/NO |
1 |
1 |
Listening and speaking. |
Non-verbal cues that enhance listening and speaking. Appearance and grooming. |
By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Highlight importance of proper personal grooming and appearance. Identify aspects that will draw the attention of audience or repulse the audience.
Examine pictures of people; Listening. Speaking. Simulations / role playing; Discussion.
Supplementary class readers. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 2-3
2 | Reading.
Comprehension. | Answer questions and make sentences using vocabulary learnt.
Silent reading.
Reading aloud. Discussion. Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 4-5 |
3 | Grammar.
Adjectival quantifiers. | Identify adjectival quantifiers.
Use adjectival quantifiers correctly.
Writing. Listening. Detailed discussion. |
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 6-8 |
4 | Grammar. | Other adjectival quantifiers. | Use other quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns correctly. | Oral exercise;
Written exercise; Exercise review.
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 8-9 |
5-6 | Writing.
Building sentences and paragraphing. | Identify transitional words and phrases used to develop a paragraph. | Reading;
Listening; Writing; Discussion; Review of exercises. |
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 10-12 |
7-8 | Reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Read some chapters and analyse language and literary appreciation. | Detailed discussion.
Reading. Written exercises.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
2 | 1 | Listening and speaking.
Aetiological narratives. | Identify an aetiological narrative.
Outline features of aetiological narratives. |
Discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 14-16 |
3 |
Reading skills:
Attitude & Tone in prose. |
Identify an author’s attitude to different characters and their feelings towards each other.
Recall some adjectives used to describe attitude and tone.
Listening; Answering questions; Group activities; Discussion.
Extracts from literature books.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 17-20
4 | Grammar. | Common mistakes. | Correct sentences with mistakes. | Oral and written exercises;
Review of exercises. |
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 21-22
6 |
Writing. | Cohesion in paragraphs.
Identify devices that are used to create cohesion within a paragraph.
Rewrite a passage making it as cohesive as possible. |
Detailed discussion;
Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 23-25
7 & 8 | Reading.
Intensive reading of set book.
Read analytically and identify themes, style and character traits.
Set book guide. | Set book. |
3 | 1-2 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Read the assigned chapters and discuss language aspects as well as literary devices.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guide. | Set book. | |
3 | Listening and speaking.
Stress in sentences. |
Identify words that require stress in a sentence.
Q/A to review stress in syllables;
dramatic reading; Guided discussion.
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 27-30
4 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions based on a passage correctly. | Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 31-33
3 | 5 | Grammar. | Prefixes. | Give meanings of words formed by adding prefixes to them. | Discussion;
Writing; Looking up word in a dictionary. |
Dictionary. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 34-36
6 | Writing. | Recurrent words. | Use pronouns and synonyms recurrently. | Reading;
Exposition; Written exercise. |
Supplementary resource books. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 34-36
& 8 |
Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Read the assigned chapters and discuss language aspects as well as literary devices.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. |
4 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Listening comprehension. | Answer questions based on a comprehension that has been read out. | Listening;
Compiling notes; Writing a talk; Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 39-40
2 | Reading. | Reading skills.
Attitude and tone in poetry.
Identify a poet’s attitude towards somebody or something. | Reading a poem;
Brain storming; Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 40-41
3,4 | Grammar. | Noun derivation. | Form nouns by adding various suffixes. | Q/A to review categories of nouns;
Oral exercise; Written exercise.
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 42-46
5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Analyse themes and characters. | Reading.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guides. | Set book. | ||
7,8 | Writing. | Creative writing.
Imaginative essay. |
Outline points to consider when writing imaginative compositions.
Write an imaginative essay.
Brain storming;
Discussion; Written exercise.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 46-49
5 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Pronunciation.
Intonation in sentences I. |
Identify intonation patterns in sentences.
Use rising and falling intonations as required.
Review interrogatives, question tags;
Reading aloud; Reading practice.
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 50-52
2 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions based on a passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 52-54
3 | Reading. | Word power. | Infer and confirm meanings of words and phrases.
Use new words in sentences correctly. |
Guided discussion.
Written exercise. |
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 52-54
4 | Writing. | Essay writing. | Practise essay writing on a given topic. | Practice writing.
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 54
5,6 | Writing. | Creative writing.
Picture story. |
Discuss possible locations, people and events portrayed in pictures.
Write a creative composition based on a picture story.
Study pictures;
Discussion; Essay writing.
New Integrated English Book III
Pg 59-60
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Analyse themes and characters. | Reading.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guides. | Set book. |
6 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Role play.
Discuss viewpoints depicted in a poem. | Reading and re-reading in turns;
Guided discussion; Written exercise.
Anthologies of poems for further reading. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 61-62
2 | Writing. | Essay writing. | Practise essay writing on a given topic. | Make notes on cultural practices;
Practise essay writing.
Supplementary references. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 63
6 | 3 | Reading. | Reading skills;
Note-making and summary. |
Make notes and write a summary based on a passage. | Silent reading; Review summary writing;;
Guided activity. |
Supplementary references. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 64-5
4-5 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Analyse themes and characters in the set book. | Reading.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guides. | Set book. | ||
6,7 | Grammar. | Noun clauses in reported speech. | Make sentences using noun clauses in reported speech. | Guided discussion;
Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
New Integrated English Book III
Pg 65-66 |
8 | Writing. | Punctuation.
The semi-colon. |
Punctuate sentences using a semi-colon. | Guided discussion;
Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
Supplementary references. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 66-7
7 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Word stress. | Put the correct stress on a word to bring out the intended meaning. | Reading aloud;
Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
2 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions based on a passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 70-72
3 | Reading. | Word power. | Infer and confirm meanings of words and phrases as used in a given context.
Use new words in sentences correctly. |
Guided discussion.
Written exercise. |
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 72-73
4 | Grammar. | Demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives.
Distinguish demonstrative pronouns from demonstrative adjectives. | Oral exercise;
Written exercise; Exercise review. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 73-74
7 | 5 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Analyse themes and characters in the set book. | Reading.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guides. | Set book. | |
6 | Writing. | Punctuation.
The Colon. |
Punctuate sentences using a full colon. | Guided discussion;
Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
Supplementary references. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 74-77
8 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Etiquette ;
Register. |
Define the term register as used in communication.
Describe the components of a register. |
Brain storming;
Role playing; Presentations; Discussion; Writing. |
Supplementary references. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 78-79
2,3 | Reading and writing. | Types of humour. | Identify categories of humour. | Reading;
Discussion. |
New Integrated English Book III
Pg 81-84
4,5 | Grammar. | Pronouns as subjects and objects. | Identify pronouns used as subjects and objects. | Questions and answers;
Writing. |
Supplementary references. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 84-87
6,7 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Analyse themes and characters in the set book. | Reading.
Detailed discussion.
Set book guides. | Set book. | ||
8 | Study writing. | Synopsis. | Write a synopsis of a text. | Reading a text;
Discussion; Writing. |
New Integrated English Book III
Pg 87-88
9 | 1 | Listening & speaking.
Giving and following directions. | Give and follow instructions.
Write a letter giving instructions on how to reach a given place. |
Study a map;
Identify landmarks; Answer questions; Writing. |
Maps. | New Integrated English Book III
Pg 89-91
9 | 2,3 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions based on a passage correctly.
Silent reading;
Answering questions; Reading aloud/ listening; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 92-93
4,5 | Grammar.
Transitive and intransitive verbs. | Identify transitive and intransitive verbs as used in sentences. | Q/A to review subject, verb, object;
Exposition; Discussion; Writing.
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 95-98
6 | Writing.
Choice of words. | Rewrite a passage using appropriate words. | Reading;
Writing; Exercise review. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 98
7 & 8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. |
10 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Short speech. | Prepare and present a short speech. | Guided group work;
Presentations; Individual and group reflections.
Extracts of good speeches. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 9-100
2,3 | Reading skills. | Summary. | Summarize a given text. | Reading and listening;
Writing; Exercise review. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 100-2
4,5 | Grammar. | Attributive and predicative adjectives. | Use strings of adjectives in the correct order.
Use adjectives attributively and predicatively. |
Answering questions; Writing; Exercise review.
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 102-4
6 | Institutional writing. | Memorandum. | Prepare a memorandum. | Guided discussion;
Reading; Writing. |
Extracts of memos. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 105-7
7 & 8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Evaluate characters, style, and themes in a set book. | Answering questions;
Dramatization. Guided discussion;
Audio tapes, set book guide.
Prescribed set book.
11 | 1,2 | Intensive reading.
Character and characterization. | Analyse characters in literary texts. | Reading and listening;
Probing questions; Oral & written exercises; Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 108-112
3-4 | Intensive reading.
Literary appreciation. | Identify themes drawn from an extract.
Discuss stylistic devices employed in an extract. |
Discussion; Answer questions. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 112
5,6 | Reading. | Intensive reading.
Set book.
Evaluate themes in a set book. | Dramatization;
Guided discussion; Answer questions.
Audio tapes, set book guide.
Prescribed set book.
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Evaluate themes in a set book. | Guided discussion;
Answer sample questions.
Set book guide.
Prescribed set book.
L/NO |
1 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Stress in sentences. | By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
Identify and pronounce words that receive stress in sentences.
Pronouncing words; Writing; Review exercise. |
Supplementary reference. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 114-6
2 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions based on a passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 116-8
3,4 | Grammar. | Correlative conjunctions. | Identify co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions. | Exposition;
Answering questions; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 118-121
5,6 | Writing. | Social writing. | Discuss components of thank you notes.
Write short thank you notes. |
Listening; Discussion; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 121-4
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. |
2 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Note taking. | Make notes from a given text | Listening;
Make notes; Read the notes. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 125
2,3 | Reading.
Answer comprehension questions based on a passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 125-7
2 | 4 | Grammar. | Complex sentences. | Identify main and subordinate clauses in sentences.
Make complex sentences. |
Reading; Writing; Review exercises. |
Chart- words used to introduce subordinate clauses | Integrated English Book III
Pg 128-130
5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
7,8 | Study writing. | Reports. | Discuss features of newspaper reports.
Write a short account of a given scenario. |
Reading newspaper reports;
Discussion. |
Newspaper reports. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 131-4
3 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Homophones. | Use homophones in sentences correctly. | Q/A to identify homophones;
Writing; Review questions.
Chart- list of homophones. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 135-6
2 | Listening & Speaking. | Homonyms.
Silent consonants.
Use homonyms in sentences correctly.
Identify silent consonants in given words. |
Q/A to identify homonyms;
Reading; Writing; Review questions.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 136-7
3 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
4,5 | Grammar. | Conditional clauses. | Identify clauses used to persuade, warn or threaten. | Guided discussion;
Writing; Exercise review. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 140-4
6 | Social writing. | Congratulatory notes. | Discuss points to consider when writing a congratulatory note.
Design a congratulation card. |
Congratulation card. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 140-4
3 | 7,8 | Reading.
Answer questions based on a comprehension passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 138-9
4 | 1 | Listening & Speaking. | Intonation in sentences. | Use rising and falling intonation correctly. | Reading lists, speeches and sentences.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 146-8
2 | Reading skills. | Note making and summary. | Compile points from a text into a summary. | Silent reading;
Making notes; Summary writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 148-150
3 | Grammar. | Conditional clauses. | Complete conditional sentences. | Guided discussion;
Writing. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 150-3
4 | Expressive reading. | Poetry. | Answer questions based on a poem. | Silent reading;
Reading aloud; Answering questions. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 154-6
5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
7,8 | Writing. | Punctuation.
The dash. |
Use a dash as a punctuation mark. | Review use of a colon, semi-colon;
Guided discussion; Reading and writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 156-8
5 | 1 | Listening comprehension. | Role play. | Answer questions based on a passage that will be read out. | Listening;
Writing; Role playing; Dramatization. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 159
2 | Reading.
Answer questions based on a comprehension passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 159-160
5 | 3,4 | Grammar. | Conditional clauses. | Complete conditional sentences. | Guided discussion;
Writing. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 161-3
5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
7,8 | Study writing. | Argumentative / discursive essay. | Discuss elements of a discursive essay.
Write a discursive essay. |
Reading a passage;
Guided discussion; Writing.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 163-6
6 | 1,2 | Reading skills. | Note-making. | Answer questions in note form. | Pre-listening and post-listening activities;
Writing. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 166-7
3 | Grammar. | Direct and indirect speech. | Write sentences in direct and indirect speech.
Listening; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 169-175
4 | Grammar. | Speech tags. | Use speech tags correctly. | Speaking;
Listening; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 169-175
5 | Social writing. | Condolences. | Write notes of condolence appropriately. | Exposition;
Reading; Writing. |
Samples of condolence notes. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 177-8
6-8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. |
7 | 1 | Intensive reading. | Short story. | Answer comprehension questions. | Silent reading;
Writing; Answering questions. |
Supplementary readers. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 180-2
2 | Listening and speaking. | Debate. | Argue for or against a motion. | Group activities;
Speaking; Taking points; Synthesis of points. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 177-8
7 | 3 | Intensive reading. | Literary analysis. | Give meanings of character adjectives.
Describe attitude of a given character towards other characters. |
Discussion; Answering question. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 183-4
4 | Grammar. | Idiomatic expressions. | Use idiomatic expressions in sentences.
Discuss meaning of idiomatic expressions. Complete idiomatic expressions. |
Answering questions;
Guided discussion; Writing; Review exercises. |
Supplementary readers. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 185-8
5 | Creative writing. | A short story. | Describe structure of a short story.
Write a sort story considering all important aspects. |
Guided discussion;
Listening; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 189-190
6,7 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
8 | TEST |
8 | 1 | Reading skills. | Fact and opinion. | Differentiate fact from fiction.
Tabulate facts and opinions.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 192-4
2 | Listening and speaking. | Debate. | Argue for or against a motion. | Group activities;
Speaking; Taking points; Synthesis of points. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 191
3,4 | Grammar. | Infinitives. | Use infinitives correctly. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Oral exercise; Writing. |
Supplementary readers. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 195-9
5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
8 | 7,8 | Study writing. | Writing a process. | Describe features of process writing.
Guided discussion;
Reading; Listening; Writing.
Charts- Flow diagrams. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 200-4
9 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Poetry recitation. | Answer questions based on a poem. | Silent reading;
Reading aloud; Guided discussion; Writing. |
Supplementary readers. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 205-8
2,3 | Reading.
Answer questions based on a comprehension passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 209-210
4,5 | Grammar. | Further infinitives. | Use infinitives to express preference, to command and in questions. | Guided discussion;
Answer questions; Reading; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 210-3
6 | Writing. | Argumentative essay. | Compose an argumentative essay. | Guided discussion;
Reading; Writing. |
Supplementary readers. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 213-4
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & note taking. |
Set book guide. | Set book. |
10 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Poetry. | Answer questions based on a poem. | Silent reading;
Re-reading; Listening; Answer questions. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 215
2,3 | Reading skills. | Note-making and summary. | Answer comprehension questions in point form.
Write a paragraph of given number of words based on some points. |
Note taking; Guided discussion; Writing. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 216
4,5 | Grammar. | Prepositional phrases. | Identify a prepositional phrase.
Use prepositional phrases in sentences. Answer questions based on a set book. |
Q/A to review prepositions;
Discussion with examples; Oral exercise; Writing.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 217-220
10 | 6-8 | Reading. | Reading
Intensive reading Set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Answer questions based on a set book. |
Guided discussion; Listening & notetaking. Answer questions.
Set book guide. | Set book. | |
11 | 1 | Personal writing. | Reminders. | Compile guest lists and things-to-do lists. | Brain storing;
Guided discussion; Group work; Writing. |
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 221-3
2,3 | Reading. | Reading
Intensive reading Set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style. | Reading;
Guided discussion; Listening & note taking. |
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
4,5 | Grammar. | Synonyms and antonyms. | Supply synonyms and antonyms to given words. | Writing;
Review exercises. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 223-6
6-7 | Intensive reading. | Reading
Intensive reading Set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Listening & speaking.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
8 | Reading. | Reading
Intensive reading Set book. |
Answer questions based on a set book. | Listening, speaking;
Answering questions.
Set book guide. | Set book. | ||
L/NO |
1 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Relationships. | List and explain some factors that affect a relationship. | Brain storming;
Listening; Probing questions; Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 227-8
2 | Writing. | Writing an essay. | Write a quality essay on a given topic. | Opening guidelines;
Supplementary references. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 228 |
3 | Reading.
Answer questions based on a comprehension passage correctly.
Silent reading.
Answering questions; Reading aloud; Guided discussion.
Dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 229-231
4 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Listening & note taking. |
Set book guide. | Set book. | |||
5 | Writing. | The parenthesis. | Rewrite sentences indicating some words in parenthesis. | Q/A to review punctuation marks;
Reading and listening; Writing. |
6 | Grammar. | Present participles. | Use present participles correctly. | Brain storming;
Answer questions; Oral exercise; Written exercise. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 232-5
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Set book. |
2 | 1 | Listening and writing. | Listening comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out. | First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 237
2 | 2 | Reading and writing. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out.
Construct sentences using vocabulary learnt in the passage. |
First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Note taking; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 237-240
3,4 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading
of set book. |
Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
5 | Grammar. | The past participle. | Use past participles correctly. | Review present participles;
Guided discussion; Reading and listening; Writing. |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 240-3
6 | Creative writing. | Writing a play. | Discuss components of a play.
Write a play of reasonable length and depth. |
Probing questions;
Guided discussion; Writing. |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 243-4
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. |
3 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Poetry. | Read and answer questions drawn from a poem. | First and second reading;
Answer questions; Discussion. |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 243-4
2 | Listening and speaking. | Literary analysis of a poem. | Discuss literary devices used in a poem. | Guided discussion;
Look up words in a dictionary. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 247
3 | Reading and writing. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out.
Construct sentences using vocabulary learnt in the passage. |
First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Note taking; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 248-50
3 | 4 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | |
5 | Grammar. | Phrasal verbs. | Identify and use phrasal verbs correctly. | Brain storming;
Answering questions; Writing. Review exercises. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 250-5
6,7 | Creative writing. | Writing a play. | Discuss characterization, structure, production and style of a play. | Exposition;
Guided discussion; Note taking. |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 255-7
8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. |
4 | 1 | Listening and writing. | Listening comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out. | First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 258
2,3 | Reading skills. | Critical reading. | Outline guidelines for critical reading.
Read a passage critically then answer accruing questions. |
Probing questions;
Guided discussion; Reading and listening; Answer questions.
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 258-260
4 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
5 | Grammar. | Gender sensitive language. | Classify nouns on basis of gender. | Probing questions;
Group competitions; Writing; Review of exercises. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 261-4
6 | Institutional writing. | Agenda and notification of meetings. | Prepare a notification for a meeting.
Identify agenda items for a given meeting. |
Reading a dialogue;
Samples of notifications, agenda items. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 265-7
4 | 7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. |
5 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Choral recitation. | Present choral recitation.
Answer questions drawn from a poem. |
Presentations; Reading and listening; Answering questions. |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 268-70
2 | Writing skills. | Creative writing. | Write own version of a poem. | Read a poem;
Write own version of similar poem; Read composed poem loudly.
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 270 |
3,4 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
5 | Reading skills. | Note making and summary. | Make summarized notes from a passage. | Silent reading of a passage;
Making summarized notes to answer questions.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 271 |
6 | Grammar. | Formation of adverbs. | Form adverbs from adjectives, past participles, prepositions, etc. | Questioning to review formation of adjectives;
Guided discussion; Writing; Review exercises. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 272-6 |
7,8 | Institutional writing. | Minutes. | Outline components of minutes. | Exposition;
Read sample minutes; Guided discussion; Write minutes. |
Samples of minutes. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 276-284 |
6 | 1,2 | Grammar. | Functions of adverbs. | List down types of adverbs.
Discuss functions of adverbs. |
Answer questions;
Exposition; Guided discussion; Writing. |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 289-92 |
6 | 3 | Listening and speaking. | Giving and receiving instructions. | Outline points to consider when giving instructions.
Write out directions from a place to another. |
Probing questions;
Exposition; Discussion; Writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 285-6 |
4 | Study reading. | Correction of mistakes. | Identify and correct mistakes in texts. | Reading;
Answering questions to correct mistakes. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 287-8 |
5-6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
7 | Study writing. | Instructions. | Write instructions. | Read instructions;
Write instructions in point form.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 294 |
8 | TEST | |||||||
7 | 1 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out.
Construct sentences using vocabulary learnt in the passage. |
First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Note taking; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 298-300
2,3 | Listening and speaking. | Dilemma narratives. | Identify features of dilemma narratives.
Outline functions of dilemma narratives. |
Reading a narrative;
Probing questions; Guided discussion; Answer questions |
Supplementary references.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 295-8 |
4,5 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
6 | Personal writing. | Journals. | Identify feelings expressed in a journal. | Silent reading;
Answer questions; Record events in a journal. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 305-6 |
7,8 | Grammar. | Prepositions, adverbs and connectors. | Distinguish prepositions from adverbs and connectors. | Review questions;
Guided discussion; Reading and writing. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 300-4 |
8 | 1,2 | Listening and speaking. | Poetry.
Discuss alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia. | Reading through a poem and listening;
Probing questions; Guided discussion. |
Collection of poems. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 307-310 |
3 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out.
Construct sentences using vocabulary learnt in the passage. |
First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Note taking; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 298-300
4 | Grammar. | Adjectival phrases. | Identify adjectival phrases in given sentences.
Use suitable adjectival phrases in sentences.
Guided discussion Answer questions. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 314-6
5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
7,8 | Public writing. | Letter of application. | Discuss layouts used in writing letters of application.
Write an application letter in correct format. |
Examine application letters;
Guided discussion; Writing. |
Samples of formats of application letters. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 316-322
9 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Rhythm in poetry. | Explain the function of rhythm in poetry. | Silent reading;
Reading aloud; Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 324-7
2,3 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out.
Construct sentences using vocabulary learnt in the passage. |
First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Note taking; Guided discussion.
Integrated English Book III
Pg 327-330
4 | Grammar. | Consolidation of adjectival clauses. | Combine sentences using relative pronouns. | Review relative pronouns;
Answer questions; Writing; Exercise review. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 316-322
9 | 5,6 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | |
7 | Creative writing. | Telegrams. | Write a telegram in the correct format. | Examine telegrams;
Guided discussion; Writing. |
Samples of telegrams. | |||
8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
11 | 1 | Listening and speaking. | Rhythm in poetry. | Explain the function of rhythm in poetry. | Silent reading;
Reading aloud; Guided discussion. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 324-7
2 | Reading. | Reading comprehension. | Answer questions from a passage that has been read out.
Construct sentences using vocabulary learnt in the passage. |
First and second reading & listening;;
Answering questions; Note taking; Guided discussion.
3 | Grammar. | Consolidation of adjectival clauses. | Combine sentences using relative pronouns. | Review relative pronouns;
Answer questions; Writing; Exercise review. |
Integrated English Book III
Pg 316-322
4,5 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||
6 | Grammar. | Consolidation of adjectival clauses. | Combine sentences using relative pronouns. | Review of exercises. | Integrated English Book III
Pg 316-322
7,8 | Intensive reading. | Intensive reading of set book. | Critically analyse themes, characters and style.
Guided discussion; Probing questions; Listening & note making. |
Set book guide. | Prescribed set book. | ||